We all want an A

Thursday, October 13, 2005


For those of you who haven't done this before - I find it damn useful to study in a collaborative way via a blog. Email me (or reply here) and I'll send you an invite so you can post to the blog.

Since collaboration is encouraged on these midterms and I procrastinate less if other people are watching I think it'd be helpful to encourage each other and figure out what questions we're going to answer (I'm doing all the Marx and Engels ones) and what some of the major points we want to hit are (having a rougher time with this part!).

What else? Some people prefer to meet in person - great, we can do that too, though to be honest, I'm shitty at it and find scheduling those things to be a PITA. Hence - the blog.

Oh, I encourage folks to go into settings and add their email address to 'email reply topics' (don't remember what the exact wording is - but it emails you whenever people comment on the blog. It's helpful when you've asked a question to know when someone has replied!).

Have a better idea? Tell me!



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